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La Ribera Salada

Discover a rural area where the old farmhouses and the churches are found scattered and integrated in the landscape. Following…

Lladurs, Odèn

Distance: 100 km
Dificulty: Fàcil
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La Vall de Lord

Enjoy the Vall de Lord along the LV-4241, passing several fountains such as the ones in Lladurs with the ruins…

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La Vall d’Ora

Experience the traditions and the way of living in other periods of time, discover important real jewels of the Romanesque…

Navès, Olius

Distance: 70 km
Dificulty: Fàcil
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Pinell and Castellar de la Ribera

Get to know the area’s countryside by going up the Catellvell where from the hill you can enjoy magnificent views,…

Castellar de la Ribera, Olius, Pinell de Solsonès

Distance: 66 km
Dificulty: Fàcil
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The Center of Catalonia

This route takes you to the geographical center of Catalonia, specifically the sanctuary of Pinós, a land full of history.…

Llobera, Pinós, Solsona

Distance: 76 km
Dificulty: Fàcil
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Oficina de Turisme del Solsonès
Ctra. de Bassella, 1
25280 Solsona
Tel. 973 48 23 10

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