Vila tower

La torre de la vila (Vila tower) is a fortified house located in the town of La Coma i La Pedra. It is catalogued as a Cultural Place with National Interest and included in the Catalan Architectural Patrimony Inventory.

It had been a medieval construction with civil uses, a gothic fortified house. It consists of a ground floor and three floors with a rectangular blueprint. It is the unique building of this zone with this traits.

Note: this point can only be reached on foot or by following a complementary route to the Ruta de las ermitas (cultural route A)

How to get there?

From Sant Llorenç de Morunys take the road C-462 direction La Coma i La Pedra. Continue by this road until you arrive at the town of La Coma. Just arriving at the town, park the car in the parking on the right. Walk some metres until finding a path direction Santa Creu del Roser i Sant Serni de la Pedra. Follow the indications to Pujol del Racó, and once there, follow the main road, in descent direction, until finding la Torre de la vila on the left.


Oficina de Turisme del Solsonès
Ctra. de Bassella, 1
25280 Solsona
Tel. 973 48 23 10

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