Santuari del Miracle

This sanctuary, with great devotion to its virgin, was built as a result of the virgin’s apparition to two shepherds in 1458, although the church dates back to the17th century. It is a group of buildings with the above mentioned church, the Big House dating back to the 16th century and an old hostel to accommodate the pilgrims. There is also the spirituality house which hosts the people that are looking for a place of peace and prayer; the cells and the Benedictine monastery are run by monks proceeding from Montserrat since 1901. The most outstanding point on the compound is the Baroque altarpiece, from 18th century, located inside the church, made by Carles Morató and the gilding artist Antoni Bordons.

Opening times: from Monday to Sunday 10 h to 20 h.

For more information:

Guided Tours: Visites guiades al Santuari del Miracle

See also “Solsonès Barroc”

For more information:

 Miracle Tourist Office
973090916 –


Oficina de Turisme del Solsonès
Ctra. de Bassella, 1
25280 Solsona
Tel. 973 48 23 10

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