It is a Neolithic statue menhir currently in a horizontal position and supported by two pillars. These statues menhirs were used in order to mark spaces and most of them have symbolic representations engraved. They usually depict human beings. In the case of Roc del Miracle, the studies suggest that it could have been decorated on all of its sides except for the lower one (on its initial position).

We can currently observe zigzag engravings on its lower side. Actually, only the engravings on this side are preserved nowadays, since other parts of the surface are eroded and all the decoration has disappeared. In its current emplacement, Roc de la Mare de Déu was used for blessing the place and its name comes from a legend that explains that the Virgin located herself under the rock in order to protect herself from the sun while she was spinning. Another legend explains that there is the belief that, if a person locates himself/herself under the rock and by fitting his/her head into a cavity that is there, and s/he gets to lift the rock, this person will never have headache anymore. They are different symbolic interpretations from Prehistory until nowadays.


Oficina de Turisme del Solsonès
Ctra. de Bassella, 1
25280 Solsona
Tel. 973 48 23 10

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