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It consists of a graveyard from Middle Neolithic, currently formed by seven burial cists-typed and one menhir located in both shores of Llor and Apòstols streams. It was excavated for the first time by Mn. Joan Serra i Vilaró at the beginning of the 20th century and re-studied by the team of the archaeologists Josep Castany and Lluís Guerrero in 1999.

With all the tombs from the necropolis, it has been possible to identify remains belonging to eleven individuals. Referring to the good graves, there are more than one hundred of outstanding ones, such as a necklace made of sea snail, ear ring made of boar tusk, flint knives and some axes and stones mills. All these objects are observable in the display cabinet of Museu Diocesà and Comarcal of Solsona.

In order to get there, it is necessary to go to the social building in Castellar de la Ribera and follow the specific signs on foot. The track is around 20 minutes walking.

How to get there

Oficina de Turisme del Solsonès
Ctra. de Bassella, 1
25280 Solsona
Tel. 973 48 23 10

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