Església parroquial de Sant Llorenç de Morunys

Situated in the centre of the village, this church dates back to the 11th century and is a basilica type of temple with three naves separated by pillars in a cross shape, made of stone and covered with a round central vault and two pointed ones on both sides.

The central apse still has on its lower part the remains of some frescoes from the end of13th and beginning of the 14th century.
The Colls altar and the Sant Miquel and Saint Joan altarpiece in Sant Llorenç de Morunys

Inside the church of Sant Llorenç, in the right apse we find the altarpiece of the Colls virgin.

According to Sant Llorenç tradition, this virgin was found in the times of the Benedictine monastery and the village of Sant Llorenç grew around it. The marvellous work of art of this chapel was made by the Folgueroles’ artist, Josep Pujol. People have great devotion to this virgin, which shows the force of the late Baroque.

The altarpiece of Sant Miquel disappeared during the Spanish civil war and in 1996 it was returned to Solsona’s bishopric. We can also find the altarpiece of the Saint Spirit.

Sant Llorenç de Morunys cloister is next to the church and can be accessed either from the church or from a side street. This cloister dates back to the 16th century. In the centre of the cloister there is a yew tree with three branches, which represents the Holy Trinity.


Oficina de Turisme del Solsonès
Ctra. de Bassella, 1
25280 Solsona
Tel. 973 48 23 10

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